Author has written 2 stories for Romance. "Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart..." William Wordsworth I'm a 23-year-old London lawyer with a passion for writing. When I'm not in court, I try and write as much as I can. Well OK maybe that's not true... I eat fruit gums, drink mojitos, admire the rugby players that train in the park on a Saturday morning, google image Henry Cavill for hours on end, spend ludicrous amounts in things I think I can afford but can't (Marc Jacobs is my life). Only when I completely run out of things to do will I sit down and write. But I do love it. I'm passionate about feedback. As a writer, it is the thing you crave the most, because with no editor and no test audience you have no idea where you're going wrong or right. As a reader, I will always try to review the work of others. If nothing else, it really perks you up after all the effort that goes into writing a chapter! AH |