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Joined 01-17-02, id: 155938
Author has written 1 story for General.
Hey guys, look at me! I'm on da web!

Quickie Stats:
Alias | hellfairy
Location | CA
Age | * (Ha!)
Sanity | n/a
Talent | n/a
100% Psycho!

I wrote some fiction a long time ago, ya know, in a time where I couldn't spell and grammar wasn't important, as long as someone could at least make sense of the shocking cuss words I threw in there to make it more interesting. Yup, that was me! Well, needless to say, those fics were beyond pretty sad, so I've started up again! All stories are created with this here wee keyboard and my own sick, twisted mind.

I'm a Linkin Park junkie! Mike's mine!! Tee...hee...

Fanfiction. I love it! Unfortunately, I'm young and I suck. But I hope to get better. Hopefully I'll have more stories posted soon. Hope you guys enjoy! :)

My brain's pretty much fried as of now, so when I think of more nonrelevant things to stick in here, you'll be sure to..er...see them.

Oh yeah, and please Review :). I'm new, but I'm a feedback whore. Even if it's to flame, I need motivation! Go on! That's it.


Blind reviews
A friend in need denies a monster's touch. Ain't it the pits? Although it's not that good, I'd be a very happy cabbage if you'd r/r! :0)
Fiction: General - Rated: K - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 741 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 5/7/2002