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Joined 01-27-02, id: 161212
Miaka baka's definition of Bios: a bio is a big blank place where you type in all the useless stuff that you KNOW isnt interesting, no matter how much you try...

this one is no exception.

Miaka-baka rises from the grave of dead fanfic authoresses..es..*


I'mmmmmm bacccccckkkkkk!! ^-^ i wun be updating as often but im back nonetheless!

Hmm what can i say to take up space? email me, IM me, review, etc. of course!!!i'm mainly a humor writer, nothing much except Fushigi Yuugi. i have no beta-reader,nor would any want to look at MY insane fics.


(like me for example. no one wants to get on my bad side for some reason. ^.^)

i love every single one of my reviwers! reviewing tells an author how much you really love their fic! and i VOW TO SOMEDAY WRITE AN ORIGINAL HUMOR FIC THAT WILL GET ONTO AT LEAST 40% OF ALL PEOPLE'S FAVORITE's LISTS!!! *thunderclap*

i also love to torture nyan nyans. ^.^;;

New chapters in writing: Confessions of Tama-neko. Thinking about writing more of Fangirl Wars, but after the last.."incident" i'm wary to go near it.

1-20-03: Miaka-baka has checked on The COnfessions of Tama-neko reviews. she feels loved, all cept for that flame, which is pro'lly just some poor humorless soul wandering around in hopes to crush authoresses (and authors) with its flames.

Posted Bluefire's gift, a poem from me to her. The Day i Met a Chichiri. just fer fun.

i think up all my ideas in mai sleep for some reason. lol..

oh yah, i usually update during the morning or afternoon. i do type up everything at night though. the sleep deprevation makes my crazed mind so tired that i seem insane enough to be funny. ^.^;;;

remember im bored ALL the time and i would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to get an IM on Aim or an email from anyone!!

"What do you MEAN i cant cook?! i can cook perfectly well, given 2 spatulas and a fire extinguisher." - me.

"woooo yaoooo chiiiii niiii.." - my best friend after watching Lilo and Stich. "I want to eat you" in chinese. lol

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Chronicles of Kaskela by Lady Rhea reviews
Rhea, Lynette, and Siirea are going to have the adventure of their lives.
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 7 - Words: 5,208 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 2 - Updated: 2/15/2002 - Published: 11/18/2001
Mystery of the Stolen Bacon by Nini the Devil Teddy reviews
Someone stole bacon from Nini Bear.
Fiction: Mystery - Rated: K+ - English - Mystery/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 212 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 2 - Published: 10/11/2001