Author has written 25 stories for Essay, Love, General, Friendship, Life, Spiritual, and Humor. Do you love me? Do I even love myself? Ha... Hell, I don't truly know anymore. I'm simply going to go on because I know there are better things out there for me. Q is my nickname, but somebody already took that pen name... Argh. Unless they were born before me, I'd consider myself the original. But anyway... They say you have to suffer to write- people say I'm a great writer... Time -and your reviews- will tell. I won't make my stories pretty for you- I will simply state what I feel. I will not change anything to fit the mainstream. Nor will I conform to any particular style other than my own. Whatever works of mine that you read will be raw and from the heart. Let it be known that I, the one true Q, want to be loved. I want to feel like somebody out there loves me for who I am and never wants me to change. Now if you'll excuse me, I have writing to do._ Expressions of Feeling for September: -Extremely Lonely Q's Advice and Pick-Me-Upper for the Time Being: Uh oh. The bad mood is beginning to return. I hate it when this happens. |