Author has written 6 stories for Humor, and Horror. Alright, after a six month hiatus from writing absolutely anything and lying around on my lazy butt all day long, I have decided to come back--and I'm going to come back with a bang. I notice most doctors and health experts say that laying around doing nothing all day can be bad for you, but not for me. I am a changed man. I am filled with ideas. I am ready...TO WRITE AGAIN! I swear to all of my fans out there *Begins to wave to 3 whole people and his mom* that I will FINISH all of the stories that I am working on, and will bring out some new stories in the VERY near future! If you want to read some really great and comedic stories make sure to check out Phenomonous, NL1, Hungfester, (Funniest story on the net!) Uncleremus 5000 II, JettaBliss, and Neveah Snow. (They're also on my favorite authors list if you're too lazy to look them up yourself!) I put my friends in all of my stories, mostly because I can't think of any original characters! Oh yeah, I just laugh at flames! Especially since some crazy person from this site sends "flames" that have nothing to do with my stories! *Coughs* *Lundi's child and Stargate!* As she says for Andy 3: "This story is so random, it shoots popsicles up the wall," Well, I guess my mission was accomplished! Mwahahahaha! OH YEAH, GO JOHN KERRY!! Newsflash* July 22, 2004: I am currently working on chapter 3 to Andy the Movie: High School!, and also working on a new story. It's called Through the Eyes of a Lubber: The Legend of Bruce Miller July 26, 2004: We beat Lundi and Stargater! Hahahaha! Boo to them!! August 15, 2004: I added a new story called "Lenny, Lightrail Ranger" It's another comedy, so take a look if you want. Oh yeah, chapter 3 to Andy the Movie: High School! Is almost done!! April 1, 2005: Long time no see folks...The evil bitches have left. Lundi and Stargater have given up. Bitches! And now, a little background info... I was born on the tiny island of Fiji in 1939, just before the start of WWII, but was forced to move from my homeland after the lesser-known axis of evil that some people like to call Argentina took my tiny little island over. Luckily, my parents, Adalf and Francesca, were able to sneak onto a ship heading for the another tiny island known as North America. I lived in Canada until the war was over, and then moved to the good 'ol U.S. of A. and became a taste-tester for Coors beer. It was a magnificant job. In my spare time I would play a sport called badminton, and was so good that I eventually made it to the 1977 olympics, where I won 31 gold medals. I then moved to Russia and played for the CCCP hockey team, but quickly switched over to the American side, where I won a gold medal with the team in 1980. Man am I glad that I made that switch! After the Olympics I became a backup dancer in the hit boy-band "The Cherry Poppin' Daddies" It was a wonderful job in which I got to wear a leather jockstrap all day long. I now reside in a little town called Los Angeles, where I keep my .45 caliber close to me at all times, because of the constant gang battles. I now just sit around everyday, waiting for the November election, when Al Sharpton will become the next president of the United States. Oh yeah, I am also an official member of "The Flying Nuns" Posse! Well, if you've decided to read on this far, enjoy! Believe me, my stories are a lot better than this bio! And, remember everybody, Don't pretend to be somebody you're not. Be yourselves, THAT's what's really cool... |