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Joined 02-07-02, id: 166672
Weeeeelll... I live in the middle o' near enough to nowhere as to make no difference... Alaska... Joy!
Ironically, I don't like the cold, though snow is okay...
Um... I'm fairly well invisible, with brown eyes, long brown hair, and I'm short. I wear glasses and have a bad habit of having delusions of grandeur... or maybe I'm just crazy like everyone says. I have people in my head... and I like anime, video games, (RPGs!!!!!), writing, reading, and Japanese. So I suppose I'm fairly normal.
I have a fic!!!! Finally!!!! I think it must be the ONLY Kimera on the web... HAHAHAAA! I am the FIRST! *ahem*
I should have a new fic up soon, KianuXAlucard! A hotty deserves another hotty, I always say!
I'm currently debating the wisdom of posting a friend insert lemon (hentai, actually)... it was her birthday, and I'm broke, so I wrote it... *dodges a lamp* I know! I know!! Dilandeau didn't deserve to be captured! Van will pay later, I swear!
And just in case anyone actually tried to contact me via ICQ... I'm hardly ever on... read: Pretty much never... So if you think I'm ignoring you... sorry.
I'm also starting to wonder... is anyone actually reading this fic?
Also, go check out Akuma no Tsubasa's fics!!! They're awesome!!! Her internet is back up, so there are more fics!!!!!!! Check out her new one!!!! Her fav authors are awesome! Always knew she had good taste! *grin* Also, Cymberleah has an on-going Trigun fic, *updated everyday*!!
The Face the Mirror Wears by Akuma no Tsubasa reviews
An experiment of mine. A young man on a mission. WARNING: shonen-ai
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 4,513 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 11/7/2002 - Published: 3/10/2002