Author has written 10 stories for Fantasy, Romance, Mythology, and General. Although I write fanfiction, I will be reserving this site for my original works. All reviews are much appreciated! ~Cataira Oh, and if you have any questions regarding my stories, please do not hesitate to ask. Completed Stories: Black Daylight: In need of editing, but otherwise, complete. The Tournament: Also in need of editing, complete. Kismet: Hehehe, I love it! Totally done! (Aqueaura Universe) The Chronicle of the Lord of the Dead: Yup! It's done. Unless I am bitten by my Muse... (which I doubt...) Accidental Reality: I love it, of course! Mythyx, my co-writer, is wonderful and talented. Ex: My baby.This story was easily the most fun that I have ever had writing. It's finally complete and the sequel is coming out soon. Of my stories I reccomend that you read this one.(This story also falls in the Aqueaura universe...) Poems: Baser: This too falls in the Aqueaura Universe... My mind has hit a temporary roadblock on Ex and this is the way my muse had taken me... Works in Progress: The Aqueaura: The sequel to Ex... More vampires. More twists. And more Trinity and Ex! If you enjoyed Ex then be sure to read its fun and exciting sequel! Death's Angel: Another addition to the Aqueaura Universe, this time it is told from first person p.o.v. and from the next generation! The Aqueaura Universe: This is just a series of storylines that consist of the same group of characters with some of the same themes. My best friend and I have been writing these stories for years. The only problem is we both hate typing and most of them were, originally, written by hand. These are our babies and I love them to death. Most of them can be read by themselves, as they do not tie into the other stories, other than giving more character backgrounds. Yet, if I do add some of the ones that follow in a series, I will be sure to add a note saying that. The most frequent characters: Trinity, Ex, Corra, Lexie, Tarra. Yup. Those are the main characters... at least in my Aqueaura stories... That's because my characters are Trinity and Ex. I love them. Really. So please, please, please. Try one of them. I recommend Ex. And if you really don't wanna read that one, Kismet. (Black Daylight sucks, I know it does. It will be redone eventually.) Pronunciation Key for Ex and The Aqueaura and Death's Angel (Added: 6-9-06/Revised: 11-12-06/Revised: 9-04-07) It has been brought to my attention that many of the names in this series are difficult to pronounce. Therefore, I am adding a key. Here you are: Exanimere (X-anne-eh-mere), Corralihn (Core-ah-lynn), Shantarra (Shawn-tear-ah), Airik (Eric), Tatawnian (Tah-tawn-e-in), Xerex(Zer-x), Adrillian (A-drill-e-in), Tadareian (Tah-dare-e-in), Glutonic (Glah-tonic), Talion (Tal-e-in),Serilitous (Sir-ill-eh-tis) Dracgonia (Drag-o-knee-ah), Tracarix (Trah-care-ix),Maliqe (Mah-leek),Necrus (Neck-rus), Lamia(Lah-me-ah), Arcana (Are-con-ah), Atra (Ah-truh), Saederas (Sar-eh-deer-s), Ardesco (Are-desk-o), Reizora (Rays-oh-ra) and that's all for now. Please let me know if this helps or not, and if there are any others that should be added to this list. Thanks! Happy reading! Fun Links: Drawing #1: If you'd like to see what the infamous Ex looks like, go to http:///deviation/24743458/to see Katie's depiction on Ex in Seril's infirmary! Drawing #2: Ok, so... just who is that mysterious little boy that Trinity keeps dreaming about?? Go here to find out! http:///deviation/31458620/Another picture by the beautiful and talented Katie! Quiz #1: Test your knowledge! Just how much do you think you know about Ex? Well, take this short and amusing quiz to find out! http:///takequiz.php?quizname=051123200430-239085 Quiz #2: Test your knowledge, again! Only this time, it's about Trinity and not the sexy vampire known as Ex, but go ahead and take it, and see how you do, then compare your score to the others who have taken it. Who knows? You may rank highest!http:///yourquiz.php?quizname=051219011710-91605 |