Author has written 39 stories for General, General, Romance, Song, and Life. ok, as promised. here is the newest chapter. again, im sorry it took so long and i hope people are still interested. thanks for checking it out. ciao ok, no excuses this time...although there was the lack of a computer for a very long time since my house was hit by lightning...and the fact sometimes, life just gets in the way... but before i go to work this morning i am beginning to retype the next chapter. everything i had typed before is now gone on the old computer, so here goes. thanks to anyone who even bothers to check my page any more. i appreciate it. also, just so you know, things are different now and you may notice changes in my writing style...then again you may not, but all the same i felt it only fair to warn you. thanks again! all poetry that i put up is original. feel free to review. hehe. i do appreciate all the reviews that i have received from people, and i would like to thank Rach, random person 007, tinkerbitch the opium fairy, the Zoloft Faerie, thepaxilfairy, Raider-2005, and any and all others who have continued to read my story right from the beginning. it means a lot to me. thanks...ciao=) todays quotation: "at least when you're here the demons are at bay, and i dont have to worry about being alone...until tomorrow" |