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Joined 02-27-02, id: 177103
Author has written 2 stories for Song, and General.
Hello, all! I'm not exactly sure what people put in their bios, but I'm doing this my way:

I like reading, writing, watching movies, theatre, and (sometimes) debate.

I do not like boring teachers, sexist people, people violating my personal space
:coughmylittlebrothercough: or practicing. So boring.

Status on stories: Note: for any of the stories that are advertised as "complete," if I get at least 10 reviews from 10 DIFFERENT people asking me to continue them, I will.

Original: Meraiyah: Complete.

Harry Potter: The Sword That is Not a Sword: COMPLETE!!! Thank. God.
James (songfic): Complete.
The Kiss of Death: Barely started...nowhere near finished. I don't know when the next chapter will be.

Dragonlance: Half-Dragon: Compelete.
The Chosen: Planned to be six chapters and an epilogue. As only one chapter is uploaded, it'll be a while.
Tears of Love: Complete.
You've Left Me Behind: Complete.

Earth's Children: The Betrayed and the Betrayer: The next chapter will come when I get over writer's block on this...I'm SOOOO sorry it's taking so long.

DBZ Stuff: The Seven Swords: Incomplete. Working on it.
I Will Remember You: Complete.
Hard Love: Complete.
Untitled: I have no idea how long this'll take. Bear with me.

Star Wars Stuff: Jedi-Born: This could take a while.
Stormravyn: Not complete.
You Were the One: Complete.

Elsie Dinsmore Stuff: Blood is Thicker than Water: Thanks to my reviewers! This'll be continued when I have time.

Lord of the Rings: The Lord, the Lady, and the Lover: Removed because it caused so many problems and so many people hated it--or at least disliked the way I went about writing it. If you would like me to continue this, please email me and I will continue writing it and send it to you.
The Soldier and the Princess: Chapter 3 up. This one's going well...I don't know when it'll be finished, but...

Thanks for reading!


Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Meraiyah reviews
This is a short chapter. It's kind of depressing...(since when is anything I write NOT depressing?) Anyway, this is more depressing than usual...just a warning...rating for mild violence and adult themes.
Fiction: General - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,292 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 1 - Published: 12/24/2002
Shadows of Time reviews
The speaker is lost in the shadows of his/her own dreams and fantasies.
Poetry: Song - Rated: K - English - Poetry/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 355 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 3/23/2002