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Joined 03-02-02, id: 178958
Hi there! My name is Fuu-chan ^_^. As you can tell I am a totall anime freak ^_^.
Favorite animes:
Sailor Moon
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Yu Yu Hakasho
Ranma 1/2

favorite couple pairings:(no particular order)
Touya and Aya (ceres)
Inu-yasha and Kagome (Inu-yahsa)
Ranma and Akane
Yuski and Keiko (Yu Yu hakisho)
Chibi-usa and Elios (Sailor Moon)
Sango and Miroku (Inu-yasha)
Rei and Shinji (evengellion)
um that's all I can think of now ^_^. I'm mostly a fluff writer, but I do add a little angst ^_^() (fluff is lame with out a little angst ^_^()) so please enjoy!