Author has written 31 stories for Supernatural, Horror, Humor, Fable, Mythology, General, Sci-Fi, General, Kids, Young Adult, and Thriller. I wouldn't make my email public if I didn't want mail; please send comments, criticisms, questions, stories about the cute thing your cat did, anything.I never block people or delete reviews. That's just not cricket. If you read one story here, read "Knives." That one's my baby, my darling, the one I'm going to publish. It's also a convoluted mess. But an intriguing one! My number's (509)527-5816. Gimme a call. |
Ann Lee (13) Aurora Light (12) Daylily Gold (7) | Ella Afleck (2) Jenqo (15) Kaiyo No Hime (9) MonkeyApe (1) | Rhys (1) soavezefiretto (12) Stormer (44) Yami no Eyes (0) |