January 20th.
Emma’s (not so) Sparkly Improved Bio! Questions you never thought to ask me (so I’m doing it for you.):
Q. So tell me, I’m simply dying to know, who is Emma?
A. Emma is a very sad little person who likes to write about pretty Elves (Legolas! Glorfindel!), stinky Rangers (one guess), certain Hobbits (Bilbo!), and not-so-loved Men (Boromir!). She also reads too much, spends lots of time on the internet doing not so interesting stuff. Occasionally, she’ll refer to herself in the third person.
Q. Why are you lame?
A. I was born that way. Blame my mother.
Q. Okay, so how are you lame?
A. I just am. But lame is good, eh?
Q. You write slash? Er.
A. Yes, indeedy. Gen too. :)
Q. Who is your favorite LotR character?
A. Hmm. I have a few, book based mind you: Boromir, Legolas, Bilbo, Glorfindel, Gollum, Merry, Faramir, Gimli and Elrond.
Q. So what about in the movies?
A. Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Elrond, Gollum and Sam.
Q. Oh, well that’s nice. You’ve read the books?
A. Yes! All six books in The Lord of The Rings, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit and various HOME books.
Q. What else do you like?
A. Oh, lots of things.
Q. Like what, you idiot?
A. Well definitely not you! : p But, Baz Luhrmann is my hero, Star Wars rocks my socks, my catling (Max!) and cute little cartoony things. Oh yeah, and Iron Chef!
Q. Mm. Interesting. How does it feel to interview yourself?
A. Oddly fun.
Q. What actors do you dig?
A. Many! But a selection would be: Sean Bean, Ewan McGregor, Viggo Mortenson, Jude Law, Tom Hanks, Wilson, Orlando Bloom, Hugo Weaving, Keanu Reeves and Billy Boyd.
Q. Well it was fun, but I have to run.
A. Yeah, thanks for having me and all.
Stories by Emma (status and upcoming):
At Long Last: My baby! She’s almost finished too!
Estimated Length: 18 chapters.
Untitled Sequel to At Long Last: Hee! The adventure continues, being outlined now.
Estimated Length: 10-15 chapters.
Untitled Prequel to At Long Last: Before the Beginning! First chapter nearly finished.
Estimated Length: 6 chapters.
Untitled AU Gen thingy: Bilbo centers in this one. And Legolas. And them Hobbits. Oh yeah, and that Ranger guy.
Estimated Length: 10-12 chapters.
General Lameness:
Birth date: 1/12/87
Which makes me...: Sixteen
Favorite Elf: I have four. Elrond, Glorfindel, Haldir and Legolas.
Movie: Moulin Rouge!
Book: The Lord of the Rings
Food: Noodles
Word: Lame
Thing: Quoting random things. (“Legolas, what do your elf-eyes see?”)
Things to do now that I’ve bored you (better things to do):
Go check out my favorites! Everything on there is beyond brilliant. Thanks for stopping by... *waves*