Author has written 99 stories for General, General, Song, Haiku, Humor, Friendship, Love, Life, Politics, Family, Work, School, Romance, and Religion. I really, really don't use this account anymore and I'm ashamed of everything on it but can't bear to take it down. I'm working on something new, and I'll be starting a new FP account to post on when I get it all in order. Time for a fresh start, I think! |
Alcnolien (0) Ayakaishi Fei (17) Bitter Berry (0) Cheyenne (0) Cuppie (7) Fae the Faery (42) | girl poisons boy (0) i-nv-u50 (34) Lami (7) Lira-chan (21) LittleDreams (12) Lux's Confusion (24) myfishpajamas (47) NotEnough (19) PaperLanterns (8) | Saint Anger (2) sheer lunacy (16) Slim (0) Tammaiya (8) triskaidekaphobia (35) xurbandecayx (0) yanu (21) |