Author has written 10 stories for Love, School, Essay, and Young Adult.
so yes, I don't really know what to put in here, so I guess I'll put my basic information and go from there. I'm a lot stupider on my xanga site.
I can't spell to well and I like Chinese food.
Dan Breaddy
15, 16 in march (I am oh so very excited about gettin my driver's license)
Nebraska. sometimes, it's almost fun
bands I'm into:
Underoath, Emery, Dead Poetic, Project 86, Haste the Day, Demon Hunter, Reliant K, Thousand Foot Krutch, Further Seems Forever, Names Without Numbers, Eyes Catch Fire
Boy of the Moment:
my boyfriend
Favorite books:
the Gospel According to Larry
Coffin's got the Dead guy on the Inside
generally anything written by Dave Barry
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galexy and all accompanying books
Favorites Movies:
probably Monty Python and the Holy Grail
and uh... have a good day!