Author has written 1 story for Romance. My name is actually Azra, thought it was unusual enough to be the screen name. I come from the land down under (Australia). First off reading is my first passion, i've read since i could first pick up a book. We'll not read then but you get the picture. I suppose that's why i got on to fictionpress, great stories and ideas. There are a lot of talented writers out there, which is good cause we'll still have generations of novelist, screen writers and so on to come. But you know when you read a good book and you get to the ending of it, you realize you starting thinking of things you would have liked to change, now i'm not saying the book sucked, it's just you would have played it differently, most likely reflecting your personailty or something you wish you could do. I reckon its why people turn to books, to live out a fantasy they probably couldn't. So in the end we end up writing a story our way, play it out like we want or dream about, nearly everyone's a romantic at heart, despite how much you complain, despite how you know the stories going to end. I bet the world was shocked when Shakespere showed Romeo and Juliet for the first time. People may call high school stories cliche's but you know what they still read the story, because everyone loves to read or see the cliche's. Honestly everyone went to see She's All That, Never Been Kissed so you get my drift. So my theory is enjoy the story, and get creative. Cheers Azra :) "I think therefore I am" |