Author has written 62 stories for Horror, Sci-Fi, Nature, Politics, Action, Haiku, War, Life, General, Thriller, School, Love, Humor, General, Religion, Humor, Family, and Essay. october 5th: Here it is -- a lot more written than what just appears in i Please Do Not Feed The Ghost /i, but this is what I felt good enough to add in. Some of these, well, aren't even that great, but I seem to change them every few days or so anyway. You don't have to like these, you don't have to hate them -- just thought I'd throw something at anyone who has previously enjoyed my stuff. Don't expect regular updates, though. That's it for a while. Thanks. -BloodBrother |
Fantome (2) Lieschen (51) | Miamouse (21) NeoFight (0) The Black Rider (0) | unclepauly (0) Willum (41) |