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Joined 04-26-02, id: 205270
Latest news:

Chapter 3 is up in "One More Time". Anyone want to guess who the slayer is? You don't find out how she relates to the real charectors for awhile... Anyway I'm also put up a new Alex Yuy story called "Still Waiting". It takes place when Alex is only 14, which is seventeen years after Endless Waltz, and it shows you a little more about the other Gundam children. I haven't updated in awhile for several reasons (One being I'm slightly obsessed with a book series I'm reading and barely have time to work on the other story I'm writing as well as reading the books). I'll try to update soon, but I make no promises.

Other than that I have no plans on other stories at the moment. If anyone has any suggestions for ideas on any of my stories please feel free to post a review about it, It'd be much apprecieted. Other than that I'm just twidling my thumbs and doing the never ending task of school work, which is the main thing that's really slowing my writing. I leave you at that, my favorite lists are below. Enjoy the stories!

my favorite books/authors/series:
Laural K. Hamalten (sp?) with Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series
Anne Bishop with the dark jewels triligy
Terry Goodkind with the Sword of Truth series
Kate Forsyth with The Witches of Eileanan series
L.J. Smith with all of hers
And Tamora Pierce with all of hers.

those are just the ones I remember. There are a lot more, but now you have a few recomindations. ^.^

You can read my favorite stories and authors on the list below, and they are good so I suggest you check them out. And if you review one of my stories I'll check out your bio and probably read some of your stories.

Anyway, thanks for putting up with my bio!

A Doll's House by Patrick Gillespie reviews
Warning: Not for the faint of heart. ***final chapter added***
Fiction: Horror - Rated: M - English - Horror - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,937 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 5 - Updated: 1/24/2003 - Published: 1/20/2003