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Joined 05-08-02, id: 210757
Stuff To Note (Feb 3, 03)

I'm soooo sorry; right now, I'm in a bit of a real life thing that's eating away on my time; writing will be going soooo slow!!!

Please check out my new website at /dreamonforever and tell me what you think about it, please!

Requests (Feb 3, 03)

I now accept Requests for fics! If you want a story, go ahead and email me, and chances are I'll be able to write you something! Just read these following guidlines really quickly

Fandoms accepted: I write (in order of preference at the moment) beyblade, yu-gi-oh, inuyasha, harry potter, final fantasy (7, 8, and 10), kindgom hearts, and gundam wing.

Pairings: I will explore many pairings, and not much squicks me out, but if I don't like the pairing, it might not be as good a story as I could make. (Near the bottom of this is a list of pairings I like)

Ratings: I will do any rating, but NC-17 fics might not be that great.

Genres: I will do any genre, but I specilize in Angst, Romance, and Humor.

Other: I also love doing songfics, so if you have a song you want a story written to, go ahead and email me the lyrics. It would be VERY helpful if you could also email me the URL of a site or something where I could hear the song, cos that helps me write. ^^

Now, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and request!

Requests in progress

untitled (Harry Potter) Angst, yay!
untitled (Yu Gi Oh) More angst!!Stories I am working on right now: (Jan 26, 03)

~The Joys Of Being The Reincarnate of Someone Scary (Beyblade) Kai's been chosen as the reincarnate of Martha Stewart . . . can the others help him get rid of her before she takes him over?
~The Longest Week (Harry Potter) Draco comes and stays with Harry at the Dursleys for a week!!!
Sleeping Demons and Crying Angels (Yugioh) Gah, confusing plot. Lots of cutting/blood
~My Valentine (None in particular) A series of Valentines fics for valentines day. Duh! =p

Check back to see what else I'm working on later!

About me

Hi Everyone!

My name is Mystrana Shadoweaver, Dark Elf Enchanter, Sugar Goddess, Juice Goddess, Player of FF, KOF and Unreal Tournament, Lover of Anime And Lover of Draco, Riku, Kai, Rei, Bakura, Kaiba, Sessoumaru, and Sephiroth. Whew, that's a mouthful. ^.^

In real life, I am 14 years old and I like to hid in shadows a lot and stalk people (just for practice; like if I ever need to =p), but that's only when I'm not busy being incrediably insane or incrediably out of it =p

My fandoms are pretty varied, although they stick to mostly anime/ video games. I am fond of yaoi, but I can do guy/girl pairings too.

Now, if you really don't believe I'm a dark elf enchanter, (SIGH), you're right. I'm a normal boring teenage girl. But, I PREFER to be called a dark elf enchanter =p (As for Mystrana? Sure, that can be my real name)

Pairings I Write/Like Beyblade
Yami x Yugi
Bakura x yami Bakura
Malik x yami Malik
yami Bakura x yami Malik
Bakura x Mailk
Final Fantasy (7 and 8)
Seifer x Squall
Sephiroth x Yuffie
Tifa x Cloud
Sephiroth x Cloud
Kingdom Hearts
Riku x Sora
Sephiroth x Cloud
Sesshoumaru x Inuyasha
Naraku x Kagome
Harry Potter
Harry x Draco
Hermione x Ron
Gundam Wing
Duo x Heero
Quatre x Trowa

Whee! I'm TOTALLY surprised you read this all! Here, have a cookie! (gives out cookies)