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Joined 05-12-02, id: 213000
K loves to sleep, write and generally ignore her studies until they come up 'n bite her in the ass, resulting in a nervous breakdown. More than this, she loves her Necromage-neechan who introduced her to yaoi at a horrifically young age and signed up for an ffnet account without her. Beware the ribcrushing glomp.

And I tell you now that as a yaoi/yuri fan, all my works are going to be of said persuasion, okay? Which essentially means boy/boy or female/female love, yes, that is GAY - oh horror of horrors :rolls eyes: You no like, that's fine. Just close the browser or change the window. Flame me and you'll have more than a spurned author on your tail.

Favourite fandoms: Any Final Fantasy, Tekken, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Kaikan Phrase, Noir, Clover, Bronze/Zetsuai, Ai No Kusabi...

If you're looking for my fanfic "Tainted Love" that I wrote collaboratively with LaughingWolfGirl, it can now be found at our joint account here:

My other joint fic is a rather large Tekken project that I'm doing with Link621; "Tattered Wings" can be found at her account:

Dee21 (0)
Gein (0)
Link621 (4)
Mage (1)