10-06-2010: Big news. I've decided, in sudden enlightenment of the publishing world, to take down all of my stories. If you completely publish something on the internet, it gets nasty, and is considered a first publication among other things. So, this means that Classified, too, will be taken down. I know not many look at my profile, but this is the warning. I feel terrible about this, but as I DO want to get Classified published one day, this is the best course. I'll give updates here on my profile when appropriate. If things don't go smoothly, and there's no chance of publication, I will happily repost and complete the story. :) Until then, wish me luck! And thanks, really, I'm glad you guys enjoy it so much. ~Icia 11-03-2010: Ok, in three days, I'll be taking down everything. Last minute warning. I will have left them up for a month after my announcement so get your last minute goodies in. :) 11-09-2010: Well, as you can see, everything is down. Later than I anticipated, but hey! I've been busy. :D Thanks for all of the support and I hope to come back with good news in the future. (Not near future, as publishing and such takes a LONG time :( ) If for any reason you have the need or wish to get a hold of me, feel free to send an email my way. Just be sure to write "fictionpress" in the subject so I know its not spam. Thanks. :) |