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Joined 06-02-02, id: 223051
Update: January 17, 2003

So, I've come to a fic writing decision once again. I will be very stressed and busy this semester, so I think I will write whatever the muses dictate, instead of trying to only work on one or two things at a time (I guess I just don't work well like that, LOL)

A note about Works in Process: My philosophy remains like this. We do not get paid for this, nor are we under contract. We do this out of love for writing and more here, more specifically, love of writing LOTR fan fic. I apologize if my haphazard style of writing 100 different fics at the same time is disturbing to you. I promise I do not abandon fics. Every fic will be finished eventually. I would rather indulge a muse in a different direction than not write at all! :-)

Thanks everyone, for your marvelous support!