Author has written 6 stories for General, Love, and Romance. November 3, 2008 I thought I would be able to do a lot of writing since I finished nano last year and I failed that pretty bad. On the fiction part anyway, where I come up with idea's on my own and I don't cheat by writing fanfiction. I've been doing that for the last couple of months and it's worked out for me pretty well. Now I guess I have to go back to coming up with an idea on my own. I will be posting my nano here just like I did last year so be on the look for it. April 9, 2008 It's been awhile I know. I was hit with a case of writers block that wasn't letting me get anywhere on anything I was working on. It's hard to get anywhere in a story when just the thought of writing makes you want to run out a open window. I've been slowly getting back into the groove of things though. I plan to get back to work on the story I was working on in December and I'm working on another story that is going to be the death of me. I've always been intrested in mythology and now I've got a story jumping around my head that wants to be written. The only thing is creating a whole new world is going to be a lot of work for me. The hopless romantic in me wants the romance to be written about and the logical part of me knows that I have to create the world first so it makes sense to everyone else. That story is going to take awhile to get posted I'm sure. Anyway, keep a look out for anything new. It shouldn't be to long before you start seeing some new things from me. I had a couple of chapters written of a new story before I left it to collect dust. I just have to look some stuff over and write a couple more chapters and then I should start posting. Dec. 2, 2007 I finished my first nano this year. It's a thing that you do in november where you see if you can write 50,000 words in a month and i did it! If you want to read the story you can read it any time you want. It's posted here. I am so happy to say that I actually like this story. I'm in love with the idea actually. It needs a lot of work, but I'm going to work on it and hopefully it'll be everything that I've wanted it to be. It's pretty good right now so I imagine it'll only get better. Do I have anything else that I'm working on? Yep. The idea came to me in the middle of the night and i actually have an outline for the whole story. It'll be intresting to see if I stick with it this time though. I'm planning on working on it while i post the rest of Love and Lies onto the website. It'll give me a little time to get ahead of myself. Dec. 14, 2007 The book isn't going how I want it too! It's not! I'm trying though. I had a good chapter, but my characters once again have thoughts of their own. I'm pissed and yet I'm liking the story, good scenes are getting cut because I can't put them into this new story line. Grrr... |