Author has written 12 stories for Action, General, Supernatural, Fantasy, and Sci-Fi. My real name is Will Green. I'm generally a quiet person looking for a good way to express myself, and I found that writing can be a great art form to do that with. I write for fun and post my stories here in the hope that others who might enjoy them can find them. My tips for other writers: 1. Have a somewhat thick skin if you post anything, anywhere on the internet. You might not like what everyone has to say, or how they choose to say it. 2. Be careful when you consider calling someone a Grammar Nazi or something similar. Some people are honestly trying to be helpful and not intending to come across as condescending. They may accuse you of being an "Unlitterate moron". Also not everyone has a sense of humor and can tell when Obvious Joke is obvious. (Youtube) College Humor-Grammar Nazi Grammar Nazi 3. Even if the review is condescending consider what is said in it. The person may have a point. Jerkass Has A Point 4. Try to find a Word processor with a good grammar and spell checker, as well as having a friend or three to test read for you. Making friends test read may be cruel and unusual, but it can be helpful in catching things that you and your WP may have missed. 5. Some people will insist on treating a Germanic language like a Latin one. I'm sure many Frenchman will tell you that there's nothing romantic about the English, but I'm also sure that most Englishmen don't care much for the French, anyway. Note: see tips 1 and 2. Pre Aug. 18, 2014 Even though most English Teachers would probably berate me for using a script-like writing format that I picked up from reading way too much Fanfiction. (is there really such a thing?) General Rule if it started looking like a script, unless it's Episodic like Kaine or Kayle Tallium, then it will most likely continue like a script. Kaine or Kayle Tallium and others like them may change at my whim. My main concern's are character interactions between each other and the world. I like stories about people, not about some army trying to crush everything in it's path. I recently revised Cassandra: Wanderer's Birth. Until recently, after I posted Darkbane (written a while back, just not posted here. I'm considering revising it.) I didn't realize that there were any people that made a fuss about the format used to write a story except for publishers. In well written stories I find the script-like format to be just as easy and fun to read as standard prose. I could just imagine a forum on the subject there would be flame wars and trolls abound! I started prose before I found and started reading a lot of god fanfics written in a script-like format, and really enjoyed them. It may not be a professional style, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. That's like being overly critical of anything other than perfect English. I post here so people can read and enjoy my stories, and maybe leave helpful comments on things other than format, like "I liked your main character. But if he lost his left hand before the story started, then how'd he punch the bad guy with it?" or even "Dude, you really need to fix the part where he used the tazer on that guy he was fighting in the pool." Anyway, what I'm saying is that I think format is all a matter of preference, and whether or not you want the story to be published, I guess. I currently write both ways.I just don't write that often. I'd love to hear from people who have positive or negative criticism. I really like it when people tell me why they did or didn't like a story. You can check out my fanfiction at aka By the Way: I removed a reference to "The King's English" which was simply a phrase that I'm used to hearing, referring to strict use of British English and not meant to be taken as an absolute definition of such (or even seriously). I recently had it pointed out, and I verified that the phrase is dependent on the gender of the ruling Monarch. Any comments regarding the profile should be sent PM and not posted as part of a Review on a story. I do wonder about people who only comment on grammar/spelling issues, especially when those mistakes aren't Jarring unless you're a teacher/professor looking for those types of mistakes. If the mistake actually interferes with reading and context doesn't help gloss over it, then it's an issue. That doesn't mean that I don't think those mistakes shouldn't be fixed. I wonder if the people who comment only on grammar/spelling/format actually try to read the stories or if they just scan for grammar/spelling/format to nag on that. Bear in mind that the comments can still be treated as useful tools if they are correct, similar to the person who left them. I never post without at least one person reading it, and performing a Grammar/Spell Check in Word. |
fangsdaevil (5) | Kill-J0y (1) |