Author has written 4 stories for Supernatural, Romance, and Fantasy. Okay, not much to write, I don't think, which is unusual because when I'm not reading I'm writing (which is often). I've only recently started posting stories on here though. I have too many...I'm completely engrossed in Anne McCaffrey...I have all of her books actually...hehe. I find dragons just completely fascinating. Other authors, ummm...where to start? Brian Jacques, Laurell K. Hamilton (a MUST read for all you other vampire and werewolf fans out there), Michael Chrichton, JK Rowling (yes, I am a Harry Potter fanatic...don't know what else to say after that). Ummm...David Clemment-Davies, Linda Howard, Jude Devereaux...ok, I'll stop now. My stories tend to come and go as they please, and Legend and Life may be making a reappearance with a few changes. Cara and Chris will be there of course, but they may find their way a little differently. Hopefully less loose ends. But anyway, another: Fangs and Claws. Vampires and Werewolves. I have a summary/explanation in the first chapter, and I don't feel like rewriting in here and review...I feed my stories with reviews, and they're hungry little devils. Time Travel is, well, dark. Mostly at the beginning, but it blows over relatively quickly. I was almost disappointed, but I don't necessarily have any control over my fingers when I write, so... Anyway, mostly set in medieval times, feudal Europe. Hope you like. More to come, I hope. I haven't decided yet. Working on a sequal to Fangs and Claws...with Cam, of course, since everyone (including me) loved him. Dunno when it'll be up, but it's a definite possibility. Another one, too, called Dragon Lake, inspired by a Micheal Whelan painting by the same title. I'd appreciate any input on the two possibilities I listed...especially since i'm not sure which one I want to put up here. Thanks bunches! ~Summer |