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Joined 07-14-02, id: 233869
Author has written 1 story for Song.
:The Facts:

Name: Heather or H.
Age: 19, going on 14 (lol).
Hometown: Rugeley, Staffs, UK.
Pets: Two rabbits, Tiger and Jet.

:Harry Potter:

Characters: Ginny and Ron, then in Marauder era, Remus and Sirius.
Ships: R/Hr, D/G, H/G, CC/G (Colin, not Cho, lol).
Hogwarts or Post-Hogwarts: Post.
Place: The Burrow, and Hogsmeade (The Three Broomsticks).
Book: PoA.

:Buffy & Angel:

Characters: Xander, Cordy, and Dawn.
Ships: A/C, X/C, and X/B.
College or Post-college: Post.
Place: The Bronze, and The Hyperion.
Season: Three and five of Buffy, and every one of Angel (lol).

:Current Rant:

I'm confused over the whole 'who Ginny should be with' situation, I keep changing ship which is causing a bit of a problem. Sorry to say folks, but I might be turning back into a mild H/G shipper again. It's so stressful!

:Current Fic/s:

Promises Kept: Which is soon coming to a close before I go completely H/G mad again, and hate the story with burning passion. Enjoy!

This is How it Goes: Time to pay some more attention to Ron again, this story follows his little quest to turn his life around, and prove everyone wrong. Will be R/Hr... as well as D/G, and some H/G bits to boot.

Coppit's: An idea myself and my friend have Jonathon Ross to thank for... it's LOTR and it's very different for me. Look out for it soon.

My Heart Beats for You reviews
Written after one of my best friends upset me, a song of realization and unrequited love. Reviews would be really appreciated :)
Poetry: Song - Rated: K - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 254 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 8/11/2002