OK...stats are: Female (duh) Married 27 years old Pisces Blonde, blue 5'4" Blood type O...I think Member of Yahoo! Groups AeriSeph. Is that enough to paint a picture? I am a big fan of AeriSeph, so much so that I wrote my very own fic! I have more in the works, including a rewrite of said fic, as well as a sequel. I also have a couple of fics for other series that I'm working on, so watch for some Skies of Arcadia and Angel Links fanfiction, too! Please remember to leave your email. I will add you to the Chocobo Goddess mailing list, and I will be starting "free gifts" for people with REALLY good comments...maybe some of my art? Hmmm... Thanks for checking out my story. Please also take a look at my "Favorite Stories" and "Favorite Authors" for some other quality writing! wark* |