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Joined 07-25-02, id: 240708
~Well I really don’t want to boar you with my fascinating and thrilling life (not!). So I’ll be picky on choosing what to tell you and what not to tell you. So where should I start. First I want to establish this!
At any point in this bio of mine will I be lying! So their for I’m NOT lying. No don’t think that because I’m emphasizing so much that I’m not lying that I really am because if you got to no me and ever got the wonderful chance to meet me (which you never will because you could be a masked murder or stalker) you would no that I’m telling the truth. If we chatted or emailed each other I’m sure that you wont think that I’m lying so until you meet me or get to talking to me you’ll never no if I’m lying or not (which I’m NOT) but I guess that you’ll just have to trust me wont you.? Im trying to add alittle bit of humer (dont worry im not planning on becoming a stand up comic and time soon)in this hole message so plz. dont take it as me being rud or anything. Now so here is the insight of my magnificent life:

~I’ve been reading peoples bio to try and get a general idea of how I should do this (write the bio) and I really haven’t found a format that I really like. Well I have I just don’t want to steal anyone’s idea, but I’ve got a good idea In my head. On really how i want to go about telling you about me.

~I live with my mother. Its just her and I at home and, its been that way for about 11 years. I’m still in school but out of grade school (elementary). I have 7 classes a day. Um………………………….. My favorite subject is reading and _ history. Well…………..I………………….um………….I really don’t know what else to tell you. Oh! I’m in track and cross country and was on the school volleyball team. I LOVE TO PLAY SPORTS! I’m in drama club at school and are teacher is great. I recently went to a competition and got the two highest awards possible kind of. Because if you get a certain amount of the top award you get another award. Um I have quite a few of friends most are girls but in are “group” so to speak there are about 4 -5 guys. When I’m not busy with school stuff I do commercial print for a modeling and acting agency. I do, do the modeling and acting too. I’m not a famous actress or model I’m still just a small fish In a big lake but I hope no I dream to make it big one day. I’ve recently got my book completed don’t mean to brag but it looks good in my opion. And not a book like you write but a picture book. Lets see I LOVE to read (all the time). I LOVE Harry potter and real life serious stuff. I also like to hang out with my friends and family. I truly do spend a lot of time with my family. I’m the worst speller, grammar, grammatical errors possible I say thank god for spell check, right. I’m a really nice person if I may add. And i like to watch movies! i think that my favorit one would be LOTR! I havent yet writen any fan fiction on this sit cuse im really conshious about how i write things and you know. And i need a beta reader/writer cuse well like i said English isnt my strongest subject l.o.l. Besids once i find a really good plot them i think that ill write a story.

Well I have more that I would like to tell you but hostilely I really don’t think that anyone reads the bio besides me but if you do I’m sorry. ~Well I g2g and do laundry. ~byebye

Gosh you now i have never really writen a bio. on my self so its kinda weirod. Now that i read over what i have wrote i hope that i dont sound conceated! If i do plz. point that out to me but in a...nice way!

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