Author has written 10 stories for General, Friendship, General, Life, and Sci-Fi. I am not much of a writer, but every once in a while I will get hit by a sudden storm of inspiration. I read pretty much nonstop and my favorite authors are Tamora Pierce, Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Lloyd Alexander, and J. R. R. Tolkien; among others. I'm always willing to read and review. Just leave a review on one of my stories and let me know what you'd like me to read. My Stuff: Names is a new story that I'm trying out. I wrote it almost a year ago and forgot about it. I just dug it out of archives and polished it up, and I'd love some opinions. Should I continue with it? It was really just an exercise at trying out something new. The Lines was my first major original work, and I'm very proud of it. I've been thinking about taking it off-line and redoing it though. Got some stuff in there that I would like to tweak. Knowing, The Cemetary, The Coffee and The Night are all short stories that deal with different themes or concepts. Those concepts are pretty self evident when you read them, but I like to take a subject that I'm pondering and make my opinions on it clear by writing a short story. Let me know what you think! They are all pretty stream of concious. Your Ignorance, If Only, A Song and Scream are all my solitary attempts at poetry. I really have no clue what I'm doing trying to write poems, but all of these came to me at pretty desperate times in my life and they needed to be written. A Song is probably my best attempt, and the one that I'm the most happy with. Anyways, thats the brief summary. I'm always wanting reviews, so please, if you read one of my works and want to tell me something, be it good or bad, drop me a line! |