![]() Author has written 7 stories for Romance, General, General, and Play. You can call me Josie, but I mostly sign my reviews and anything else as MJ (Maibe Josie). I'm a former film student and an avid writer. I love to write. Sometimes I go through serious bouts of writer's block but for the most part I find my way back. I'm also an artist, a musician, and a girl. I love to make movies, I love to work with others on scripts, and for the most part, I try to push myself to reach past my potential. I'm a loyal son of a bitch and I'm not afraid to admit it. You mess with my friends and family, you mess with me... Why I'm HERE: I love to read, and I most certainly love to write. I try my best to finish what I start, sometimes it's harder than you can imagine, with crazy bouts of writer's block and no time, or too much time and not enough inspiration. I'm an avid reader and reviewer. I don't always review right away. Sometimes I need a little time to let a story sink in. Or if I think that a writer could use some improvement and some constructive criticism I'll be there with my fingers on the keyboard ready to give my opinion. I love to see writer's improve, and some and many on here know that and I would rather see a writer work to improve than ignore not just mine but critiques from other and I'm not shy of telling someone what I think or if an idea totally just sucks, Don't hate on reviewers that are right. I Highly Dislike: Poor grammar, and people who don't know how to leave/take reviews. Poor Grammar? I think it speaks for it's self. Majority of the time spell check picks them up (spell check = best friend if you Reviews...I love giving and recieving constructive criticism. Don't hate on a review that tries to help you fix your story, take the time to apply it rather than ignoring it because you think someone "dissed" your story. They wouldn't have left a review if they didn't like it or, or wanted to see it better (even some flames are constructive, try asking WHY they didn't like it. If they give you a piss poor answer, ignore them, they're obviously ignorant and have personal issues...) I love recieving constructive reviews. I encourage you all to leave me thoughts on what I've written. Even get down and serious with them, let me know how you're connecting with the story... on a side note I ignore reviews that look like this: "OmG!1 i LyKe So LuV uR sToRy!1 pLz UpDaTe !" or anything of the variety, they do Current Project(s): Tumble Dry Low: (currently a work in progress) Estrella, aspiring journalist at Emerson, and Jackson, a music major at Berklee, stumble upon each other in a 24/hr Laundry Mat in Boston. Constant meetings and with a little pressure from Jackson's bandmate's and Estrella's best friend, Casey will they get their act together? I write FAN FICTION stuff too, it's over on the sister site () and I write under the name Maibe Josie over there as well |