Author has written 6 stories for General, General, and Historical. Hi! Uh, I wanted to write a story where all of my characters meet up, but that kinda didn't work. :sniff: Blame T!muse.Oh? You want to meet my wonderful characters? Well, Okay then! Pierce - My favie! Light brown/very dirty blond hair and brown eyes with flecks of gray. States the obvious, saying just the right undeniable thing at just the right time to make someone feel stupid. Excellent liar. But is fun to hang around with and is, over all, a good friend. Collin (C-lin) - Pierce's best friend. Suprisingly sweet and naive. Not a very developed charater. Rocks (Roxy) - Shoulder length blond hair, green eyes. Kinda short, has a cozy look to her. Friendly, but slightly picky about who she hangs out with regularly. Definetly not hyper. Likes Race. Annie (Annebelle, Ann, AnnieBellie) - Very frank while speaking. Favorite color is Spot's eyes. Jack's sister who often finds him annoying, but still loves him. I never really gave her a look or used her much. Teansin - Advey's love interest. *shrinks away* Okay, okay! Sometimes I make him the cat! But not usually. Tallish with broad shoulders. Quiet, but not shy. *sigh* They're so cute together. Twig (Alyshea) - Not an insert. I just gave her my NN because I couldn't think of one. Long dark red hair, chocolate brown eyes. Loves to dance, and is always doing it. That or yelling at people in Italian. Advey - Rich girl who went for a walk one day ended up in Tibby's. Often hangs out with the newsies and, unlike most Mary-Sueish richies, her parents don't care. They don't approve of Teansin not properly "courting" her, though. Anyone can feel free to use any of my charaters, you don't even need to ask. I would like to read the stories they're in, if you wouldn't mind telling me at some point that you used them. -Twig (Twig,Twiggy,Twiggity,Twig) |