Sailor Juno
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Joined 11-11-00, id: 25283
Hello there! Juno reporting here. I am a teenage Harry Potter fan, and a huge Minerva/Remus fan (if you know any good stories starring them, please drop me a line at above email address). PLEASE NOTE THAT MY EMAIL HAS CHANGED!!! It is now charmed1@! Thank you!

I am a co-founder, along with my good friend Sasha* (otherwise known as Minerva aka Sasha on ), of DRAMAS, which stands for Devoted to Remus and Minerva Always Society. If you would care to join please send an email to either my email or starbuck46@

STORY IN PROGESS: "The Sorrow It Brings"
Drop me a line if you would like to chat, or comment on my stories. Constructive critism is welcome, flames will be used to toast my marshmallows! Bwhaha!