Author has written 13 stories for Manga, Song, and General. No.1 FAQ ¤ B ¤ irthright: S.L ¤ A ¤ liases: Sue, Nikki, babyg ¤ B ¤ irthdate: 12 October '86 ¤ Y ¤ ear of the: Tiger ¤ G ¤ ushes over: anime, fantasy books, luvly friends, manga, music, myths, singing, writing(s?) ... (and that's just the general aspect of moi! ^^) ~† I'm a lazy arse who constantly gets inspired and uninspired ~† I'm rather picky on posting comments, because I'm picky when it comes to choosing and reading stories. You know it happens. You're in the mood to read, and you scan through those with good titles, but either the writing or the plot puts you off, and by the time you've scanned through the 5th story, the urge to read just isn't there anymore. Which is one of the reasons why choosing fiction at random to read is tedious. ~† I love reading, seriously. Especially so when I can get uncommercialized fiction, that is, fiction with the author's touch in it. I'll leave that up to you to comprehend. Generally though, I would read stories that appeal to me with readable grammar, good plots and strong storyline. As far as genres go, all is fine with me except horror. Don't ask why. Tempt me with your palate. ~† I really mean it. Go ahead, tempt me and recommend me on the fics I'm missing out and are MUST reads! 12 May 2005 - I know. I haven't written a new story or tied the missing loops to the present ones for the past one/two years, mainly becauseI had other things to focus on. and writer's block. That one's a lame excuse, but it happens to be the real excuse.I'm slowly regaining my senses ~.~ I've already wrote an ending to one of the stories (which was -so- aching for an ending, as everyone who wrote in tells me --i'm sorry!--) but I don't find it fitting. It'll take me some time to revise the whole chapter. =D As for the other two on my list, I have ideas for them. The rest should be considered on hiatus oh how i hate this word. I just need to get angst off my system first before I stick on a big, bright smile and attempt to continue happy drama :D Meanwhile, I'll be hanging around, browsing through the titles and getting myself amazed. When did the rating system change? Heck, I can't even edit my profile right with the new window thingy. I feel old :( |