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Joined 09-15-02, id: 267883
I am a huge Harry Potter fan.
I like the characters in an order as follows:
1. Draco Malfoy
2. Ron Weasley
3. Severus Snape
4. Remus Lupin
5. Harry Potter
6. Sirius Black
7. Lucius Malfoy
8. Fred/George Weasley
9. Oliver Wood
10. Peeves

My ten favorite characters are more likely than others to appear in my stories so if you especially like a character that isn't on the list, they probably won't be mentioned much in any of my stories unless when necessary.

My first fan fiction base is slash (male/male relations) and it will probably continue to dominate. As mean as this sounds, I find that slash fans are less likely to be pompous assholes or idiots who need to go back to grammar school, not that I don't love my het fans because I assure you I do.

All of my stories will have Draco Malfoy as one of the main characters so if you don't like Draco, don't read my story.

Why on earth would someone flame? Why? I just don't understand. Don't people have better things to do than flame? Apparently not.

I'm working on 'Falling' right now. It's my only and main project and I'm dedicating everything to it. It is truly an epic and when it's over, there's still going to be a prequel.

As for Life Left Behind, I've put up post-story notes for those who are interested and the last chapter of Overheard is up.

Good day.
