Author has written 20 stories for Fantasy, General, Life, Friendship, Fantasy, Love, and Young Adult. "A word is deadWhen it is said, Some say. I say it just Begins to live That day." --Emily Dickinson Ah!! Please take note! I recently changed my penname for personal reasons. I used to go by "Say You'll Remember"! So, any reviews signed in that way are for that reason! Now with my mega-phone I shall announce it once more... Say You'll Remember was me! Ehehe. Forgive me for any confusions... ^.^;; Fictionpress News* I have had a number of requests frequently for the next enstallment of my story Broken Dreams. I have to say... I'm at somewhat of a standstill on it right now. I'm not sure exactly where the story is going, and am just not as interested in working on it as I once was. I WILL try to work on it, for you guys, instead of simply letting it rot beside my dresser, but it may take a while since I write in spasms of inspiration. (Which is exactly why sometimes I'll put up a bunch of things at once, and other times, I won't write anything new for a long while.) So, you may ask, if I'm not currently engulfed in Broken Dreams, then what? Ahhh... ^.~ I have been writing a new, yet to be titled story, which I am VERY happy with. I've written the prologue and the first chapter, but I'm going to wait just a bit before posting it. I can't wait until you all see it ^.^ (What's it about? Tra-la! In breif: A girl named Vera who lives in other people's dreams and her own unrealities. Yes, yes, I do often write things with dream themes.) Rosebud Innocent is also on standstill in light of my new story, but I plan on returning to it quickly. Finally, lots of new poems to be added, once my muse returns to me ^.~ |