Author has written 9 stories for Manga, General, Humor, and Romance.
May 18, 2012
New story Lessons for Lady Sin now published in Fictionpress, Soompi Forums, and Wattpad
Trailer for Lessons for Lady Sin - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC37AalFUnw
Made by Pamela Victors and Meia Lee
May 10, 2012
Official PDF / doc version of Fists and Lipsticks 2: The Silver Crescent now available for download
DL link - http:///?jygd0iz4z4c8smp
Read online in PDF form - http:///view/?jygd0iz4z4c8smp
July 8, 2011
Retcon Fists and Lipsticks: Cross - COMING SOON
For more information, visit my blog - http:///2011/07/fists-and-lipsticks-cross.html
June 4, 2011
Trailer for Vena Cava - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaVblGkKLAk&hd=1
Made by Pamela Victors
September 12, 2010
New character chart by Meia, Pamie, and Vincent. - http:///albums/ee170/fistsandlipsticks/venacava/VenaCavacast.jpg
Note: The actors/models in this character chart are not, in any way, associated with the story and/or the author of Vena Cava. We are willing to take down this graphic if ever such related conflicts arise. No copyright infringement intended.
February 16, 2010
Vena Cava had been nominated in Round 9: Some Kind of Wonderful (SKoW). Thank you to whoever that person was who nominated me. Lots of revisions and proof-reading still pending and the plot had not been properly introduced yet this early in the story but I really appreciate it. It was actually my first time hearing about this recognition-giving community and I'm honored to become part of it.
February 14, 2009
Trailer for Fists and Lipsticks - Book 1 Book 2 - http:///video/item/8/Fists_and_Lipsticks_Trailer_-_Book_1_2
Made by: Pamela Victors
January 28, 2009
Fists and Lipsticks now again under the Manga Romance Mystery category. Please be guided accordingly, thank you.
September 30, 2008
Trailer for Fists and Lipsticks 2: The Silver Crescent
March 27, 2008
Trailer for Fists and Lipsticks 1
Video trailers made by Meia Lee & Pamela Victors
November 10, 2007
Fists and Lipsticks is now being posted and updated regularly in Soompi Forums - http:///forums/index.php?showtopic=176416
Fists and Lipsticks 2: The Silver Crescent - http:///forums/index.php?showtopic=228185
My Soompi Forums username: HiroLovesMeia. You need to be a member of the message boards to access these web pages.
November 1, 2007
I DID NOT, DO NOT and WILL NOT come up with any fiction portraying MALE-MALE / FEMALE-FEMALE pairings. This includes turning down requests to review/proofread shounen-ai or shoujo-ai fics effective November 2007. (Personal reason = I'm a homophobic. Sorry for the fans but it's really not for me.) I've placed the details regarding updates of my works on my online blog.
My Writing Blog - http://
My Fictionpress Forum- http://www.fictionpress.com/myforums/hiro0911/283123/
Name: Mark Harold Larucea
Nickname: Hiro
FP Nick: hiro0911 (0911 = commemorating September 11 World Trade Center Bombing, where I lost a good friend of mine)
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Citizenship: American (but I'm actually half-Filipino (dad) and half-Chinese (mom))
Languages spoken: English (fluent), Chinese-Fukien (fluent), Chinese-Mandarin (semi-fluent), Tagalog (can read, can understand, can speak, but they say my pronunciation sucks now...), Spanish (a little)
Hometown: Makati City, Philippines (where I stayed from zero to three years old, left for Beijing, then went back to Manila for high school, then left again for college... ahhh, talk about migration...)
Location: Bay Back Manor, Boston MA
Point of clarification: I'm not gay.
Hobbies: Eating, tree-planting, eating, peeling vegetables, eating, digging holes, eating, dissecting chickens (where the hell do you keep the eggs?!), eating chickens, and eating...food.
Feel free to e-mail me about anything (just don't ask for money hehe) - hlarucea@
I don't have Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, or MySpace accounts.
All of these tantamount to massive and intricate planning
and hours of late-night writing and brainstorming.
I have received reports from concerned/loyal readers and seen quite a
number of plagiarism cases and it has been alarming for the past couple of months
(in Fictionpress, , Quizilla, Winglin, India-Forums, Wattpad, and AnimeForums).
Plagiarism is a form of stealing. A plagiarist does not gain respect from readers.
Plagiarism is false gratification and deceit not only of others but of oneself.
Thank you for everyone's overwhelming support, especially to Fists and Lipsticks, Vena Cava, and Lessons for Lady Sin.