Author has written 10 stories for Life, Family, Religion, Friendship, and Love. Heya. I got this automatically because I write on , so I may as well use it. Here I will put poetry that I don't mind people I know reading, and maybe some of my original fic if I ever feel confident enough (I'm scared of flaming...and indifference). More elaborate bio on I do have a deadjournal as well as a livejournal if you *really* want to stalk me :-) I've decided to finally link up to my other username: .This site still carries a warning, however, as it contains the poems I think might upset people. I warn again in each of the blurbs, so don't blame me if it does! I don't generally do the 'you review me, I'll review you' thing, although if you appear to like more than one of my thingys I'll most likely find my way over to look at some of your stuff. I *honestly* like constructive criticism, so don't feel you have to say you like it. I mean, praise is good as well ;-) Be specific which bits you like or don't like and why, and I'll love you forever! |
Electra Creek (8) snuffyssuicide (3) | T'eyla Minh (0) ThePet (11) |