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Joined 10-29-02, id: 286673
Feb 08: Finally finished the Lovecraftian-fic, at least as far as it will ever be finished. Still waiting to find out if someone tapes the Bandit Keith and Marik episode for me. Otherwise.. yeah, that fic is waiting in the wings.

I still have the urge to write a Malik/Rishid fic as well. But that's just not working. Grr. Brain freeze.

I've been lucky enough to be deluged by doujinshi lately, not to mention a few more of the original manga for YGO.
* Doujin: "Avarice" is the single sexseh-est thing I've ever seen. Malik/Jounouchi. And so so so so NC-17. Helloooooo Malik! Yum.
* Manga: Heh heh.
- Volume 27: Bakura and Malik amuse me.
YM: "Let the duel begin!"
YB: "Wait a minute! This guy wants to talk to you first." *gestures with his thumb at Malik*
Malik then tells Yami Malik that he knows all about what happened now, and so on.. meanwhile, YB is looking bored and cleaning out his ear with a finger.
- Volume 28. Yami no Malik really is a sadist. He licks his lips after watching Jounouchi writhing in pain. And I'm not even going to talk about that monster in Vol 27 that has a giant drill where you might expect to see.. uh.. other vaguely pointy anatomical bits. I also like how Yami Malik's 'Death Poet' gives Jounouchi the finger. Heh, heh, even the monsters are insulting him.
- Vol 29: Havn't read it yet, just a quick look through. But note: two God Cards fighting each other results in DBZ-like explosions. Hmmm. And Yami Malik appears to be able to walk through walls (!).