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Joined 11-03-02, id: 289103

I work with oils and herbs and enjoy writing in my spare time.

I have already gotten a few emails and yes, I have removed my stories. I will be revamping certain stories and cleaning up others in an effort to see where I can go from here. Thanks to all those that have read and told me how much they enjoyed my stories.

A bit of legal information.

Please be advised that all of my original fiction is copyrighted, i.e., "Under Copyright Law, once a story is in permanent form (this includes on a web page) it is automatically copyrighted by the author, and use without the permission of the author is prohibited."

All of my original characters, their names, their history, et al, are copyrighted and use of them is strictly forbidden. I ask that you do not copy my stories or characters as I worked very hard to create them.