Author has written 31 stories for General, Song, Life, Love, General, Young Adult, Friendship, and Religion.
revised 3-27-05
Name: Gretchen
Age: 17
Hair (currently): black
Eyes: green
Sexuality: Bisexual (like girls more than boys, but... meh. Boy slash is still awesome ^_^)
Favorite bands: Mudvayne, Green Day, Metallica, Godsmack, Nirvana, Linkin Park, The Killers, Puddle of Mudd, Switchfoot, 3 Doors Down, Slipknot, Three Days Grace, Franz Ferdinand
Favorite animal: Anything that eats children
Pet peeve(s): Oooh boy this is a long list. How about a top six? (Because I like being different)
6) People reading over my shoulder
5) Cracking knuckles *shudders*
4) Neat freaks
3) Homophobes
2) My mother (ooooh trust me)
Favorite food(s): strawberries and chocolate (yes I'm a closet romantic, but I don't plan on coming out anytime soon so keep it on the d/l por favor)
Anna-- on hold, because I um...I don't like it anymore. And I'm working on a couple new stories I like better. I'm really, really sorry to all my reviewers! I will eventually start it up again *crosses her finger behind her back, so if you want me to tell you when (if)I do, drop me an email at the address above. So, yeah, that's pretty much it.
The Girl Next Door-- haven't posted any of this yet, which is good b/c it, too, is on hiatus. I'm really trying to focus on Perception, and now I have a writing club to keep me accountable, so hopefully once I finish that I can get back to this and revamp Anna.
Thank you to all my wonderful reviewers, I promise I will try to meet your requests as soon as I can!
Current Status:
I personally would like people to review the poems that don't have any reviews yet! That makes me sad... and you know what happens when I get sad... ok well maybe you don't, but we'll justpretend you do,as long as it gets me reviews, ne? ^_^ Too complicated to explain anyway... hey! You could go read "The Plan" and "Forget" to figure it out! *snickers sinisterly* mwahaha, I am so damn good!
WRITING: Perception
Not very far in this, but trust me, it's gonna be good. A serial killer is on the loose in Chicago, and Detective Wayne Moore is in charge of tracking him down. The only thing is, that there isn't much evidence, besides the fact that all the victims were blonde, highly praised bythe community,and shot multiple times. Also, at each murder scene is evidence of a deep dark secret, andthe killer has written "ANGELS DON'T EXIST" with his victim's blood on the wall.Paramedic Michael Kelver knows something the police don't know, but will he figure it out in time?