:Intro: YEY!!! Im off being grounded!!* Name: just call me rere Age: 14 Zodiac: Greek- Leo, Chinese- Dragon Manga: Inuyasha, Planet Ladder, Card Captor Sakura, Darkstalkers, Peach Girl, Marmalade Boy, Fushigi Yuugi, Chobits... and... well that's it for now! Anime: Inuyasha (thats my faaav one!), Vampire Princess Miyu, CardCaptor Sakura, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi Muyo, Yu Yu Hakusho, and I saw X, man that was creeepy... and depressing. Games: Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil, Tekken 4, Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City, anything racing ^_^ Movies: Romeo Must Die, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Beauty and The Beast Books: Sirena by Donna Jo Napoli, Anita Blake Series and A Kiss of Shadows by Laurell K Hamiliton, The Rowan series by Anne McCaffrey Music: Aaliyah is my favorite singer of all time!!! Not to mention actress! Pairings: Sesshoumaru/Kagome, Sango/Miroku, Kohaku/Rin, Kagura/Kouga, Naraku/Kagome, Kouga/Kagome, Miroku/Kagome, Shippo/Rin, Shippo/Kagome (ONLY when hes older you pedophiles!). Botan/Hiei, Kurama/Botan. Miyu/Larva (or is it lava... im so confused) Sora/Riku. Sakura/Li Sakura/Yue or Yuki. Spike/Faye. Tenchi/Ryoko. Hideki/Chi. Felicia/John Tailban (Talbain?!?). Kaguya/Seeu. Likes: FOOD!!! I LUUUUUV fried okra! Oh yeah it's the best! YUMMY!!!! That and cookie dough, or twix ice cream, or chocolate eclair ice creams, or bagels and cream cheese, or enchilladas, or tacos/burritos, or CANDY! And there's so many... many others ^_^. I also like to write, read, swim, talk, shop, and ice skating though i never get the chance to do it! :Currently: Date: Feb 12, 2003 :Sites: I need to work on this... but I'm lazy!* http:///doy/avatars/Avatars.html http:// http:///fallen.htm http:///bishonen/riku/about.htm http:///support/ http:///sess.html http:///riku_oblivion/enter.html http:// http:///hearts/ http:///felicity/ (she has the coolest background, plus all those banners are neat too!) http:// :Stories: For The Love of Rin: 50% For The Love of Rin: A/U Kagome and her daughter Rin go to live with Kagome's friend from high school, Hojo. Struggling to get a job and rebuild her life she meets Sesshoumaru, upstairs neighbor, Kouga, a pushy buisness rival who proposes, and Inuyasha whose Rin's father comes back. has pairings ive never seen in any story! S+K I+K S+M K+K K+S H+Y I+K K+R (go try and figure those babies out!) Whoopie! :18 in progress, i want reviews people!: Before Rin: this is stuck in my head, it's about inuyasha and kagome's romance before FTLOR (that reminds me of the lord of the rings o_O) hence the name BEFORE Rin! it's for all u kag/inu people plus i have alotta cute inu kag scenes that fit into it (i like inu and kag, i just like sess and kag better :P) :preface posted, chapter 1 in progress: The Crane Miko: MUWAHAHAHA... eh hem sorry ok ive written 3 chapters for this story but ill stop and finish it later when i finish For The Love of Rin um ill give u hint what its about... SESS/KAG! muwahaha, and it's very creative if i dont say so myself, but its short for me... :story in the works/on hold: Li'ili'li Pu'uwai: Little Heart sess/kag this is the first story ive completed! thats probably becuase it's short hehe :complete: Ellipse: A/U Sesshoumaru/Kagome/Inuyasha Centers around two beach homes and starts with the three meeting as children, then after years of not seeing each other meeting up again. Romance, drama, gets VERY angsty, pg-13 for violence, adult content, language, sexual content, and death context :in the works (unlike all my previous storys im going to just write the whole thing out then post it chapter by chapter, that's so easy and i dont have to worry about updating!): Amity: Just an A/U friendship story between Kagome and Kagura, with a little side helping of sess/kagome (subject to change). There will only be a small amount of mild romance in here, this is my first posted first person, non-romance based story! Yippee! :Part 1 Posted, Part 2 in the works: Intricacy: Haven't really gotten anything settled, just a tiny outline in my head. Basically a Shippo/Kagome romance or friendship with him older of course (EWY PEDOPHILES GET AWAY!). Probably A/U (my specialty). :to be in the works: Miss You: Song Fic to Aaliyah's Miss You, kind of a side-story to For The Love of Rin. I don't know if I'll post this or just add it onto FTLOR. s+k (and im not talking sesshoumaru and kagome!) Angst/Romance. PG-13 for some... explicit content. :to be in the works: As for the rest of my stories they are all on hold becuase im trying to focus on FTLOR right now! :Music: I decided to tell you this BECUASE I just made my playlists for all my stories that have music on my media player* :For The Love of Rin: :Outro: well that's it for now (dont cry people u can get more of my captivating chatter by emailing me!) please read nad review and youll make me very happy, and i got a new super fast computer! BOOOO YAAAHHH! eh hem well see ya later! rere* Ps just to see if anybody ACTUALLY READS THIS BIO THINGY... eh hem... i have another name with kingdom hearts fics for anyone that's intrested. BUUUUT it has only yaoi fics... you were warned peoples! it's Intricacy... but if you just go to the kingdom hearts section in games i just posted a fic so it should be right there ^_^ thankies! CLICK THE LINK BELOW! ^_^ http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=339793 |