Author has written 2 stories for General, and General. Current Bio: (12-19-2002)I am 20 now! And I really need to redo alot of my fanfiction here. Sadly, if anything, my general talent has lasped even being a second year college student instead of a high schooler. Why? Well I am an arts major with no gumption for english nor the finer arts of arithmatic. Who knew? I live in the States, Kentucky to be percise. Currently attending Western Kentucky University and majoring in graphic design with no minors though I have been thinking seriously of attaining a minor in Art History which is wonderful yet dry subject. My current flares or obsessions of the moment are in order: 1.Harry Potter (HGxSS, DM/HP), 2. Anita/ L.K.Hamiltion (everyone and anything!!!), 3. Rayearth (UmixClef), 4. LotR,and 5. Cross stitching... . |