Author has written 1 story for General. The room flickers and a girl appears out of nowhere. She has long, dark reddish brown hair and brown (-.-;) eyes. She extends her arm out in front of her. She is holding a detonator. She presses the detonating switch...Once... Words appear mid-air : Given Name : Kitty Surname : CLASSIFIED DATA Alias : Keeper of Darkness Ethnic Origin : Chinese Current Country-of-Residence: Australia Age : 14 Eye Colour : Brown (-.-;) Hair Colour : Reddish Brown Twice... The words fade away A third time... "Initiating self-destruct sequence," she says softly with no trace of an accent in her voice. "This place will self-destruct in T minus 5...4...3...2...1..." She smiles slightly, drops the detonator and waves. Her image flickers and disappears just before the explosion... ^^; K, that was a sample of my madness (a weird idea I got when I was on the train going to school one day). I you didn't get it, it was a hologram giving the and my strange ideas ^^;...I think it's too much Gundam Wing ^^;. I like (more like "obsessed with") most Animes though I haven't seen that many ^^; (Gundam Wing, Zoids, DBZ, Pokemon, Orphen, Ah! My Goddess, Cardcaptors etc.). But just because I like them, it doesn't mean I've watched the whole thing before ^^;. I like drawing (especially elves [because no one can tell you how to draw them ^^] and scribble drawing [these turn out kind of {kind of ^^;} OK...if the teacher can't make out what the drawing is of, they'll just say it's "artistic" ^^ *laughs head off when teacher's back is turned]) but they all turn out weird. This isn't the first time I've tried writing. Most of my stories...aren't good ^^; (understatement...^^;)...*checks the "Stats"* *sighs* ^^; -.-; see what I mean ^^;...and they're always so short ^^;. I started this account partially so I could put up stuff my friends would laugh at if they knew I was the one who put them up. If you've read other stuff that I've written, you'll probably recognise my writing style. Anyway, L8a * KD |