Author has written 5 stories for General, Fantasy, and Love. ALOHA!!!!!I'm on a constant vanilla coke high!!! i hope you like my stories!!!!! i'd really like heaps of reviews...constructive Plz enjoy my madness & i hope u join in my insanity well...thatz all 4 now!!!!! luv, kugs n hisses, PS- CHAPTER 3 OF DISTANT MEMORIES IS UP!!! YAY!!! SO PLZ R&R...I LUV U ALL!!!!!!!! PPS- THERE'S MORE OF THE STORY TO UPLOAD YET, BUT I HAVEN'T BEEN BOTHERED TYPING IT OUT YET...PLZ BE PATIENT... PPPS-THE NEXT 3 CHAPTERS OF 'LEAH' R UP NOW. REALLY HOPE U LIKE 'EM... |