Author has written 4 stories for Life, Supernatural, Sci-Fi, and Action. well it was recently pointed out that my bio was still the same one from when FFnet and FPcom where one and the same, here is the updated info. Name dwight anderson hight 6'9" and its looking like i wont hit seven even i suffer from bipoler, cronnic insomna, and as far as the docs can find out i can only be a part of socaty if im on 3diffrant medacations. i write when i dont have anything else to do, which is realy often. i have a high intelagance but that dont matter as much becase i got a slight learning disablity, i cant spell very well and my voice dosnt do what i want. i live in a house thats over 87years old, and has so many drafts that it could be a frizzr in the fall. my computer is an old gateway2000, and only runs half the time. after all that your probably thinking that i dont have much thats good, i dont, what i do have is a great imagantion and can speed read. i hope that helps you undersatind me some. im not sure i will EVER go off to collage. simply becase i dont know what i want to do. im going to put my Email here so non-account users can find me, feel free to email me. just make the topice something i will see, like FFnet cockpitdude2002@ i use yahoo messanger. im cockpitdude2002. dont spam or i WILL retalate. i am rarely on, almost never realy. hp my computer is STILL dieing and i still havent found a new one. i got a bunch of fanfiction over at FFnet, check it out. Writing was done when i first opened my account and i like to think i have improved some. it isnt potry but it isnt a story eather, just some thoughts on writing. i not sure weather i should keep it here or not. as such it may vanish in the future. COMEING SOON (as in sometime before summer 2006): Star of Isis: a sci-fi universe where your avrage geniticly engineared girl seeks her place in the cosmic econimy with only her cyber freand and a body enhansing suit to help her. update as of: sunday december 4, 2005 chapters 1 and two put up. minimal amout of intrest show means that chapter three had made minimal progress. UN vamp story (temp name): an as of this moment unnamed story centering around a supernatrual creature. the story differs from my normal stile of writeing and every chapter is practicaly a mini story in witch the Vampire(name undeturmaned at this time) takes a step towards its unfound humanity and its hunted animlistc beginings. the world holds a very libral mix of both fantisy and supernatural in a way that isnt entirely common on this scale. chapter 2 is around 75 from compleation as of the start of December. Not so Wild World: anthro story. wolves first, other criters later. i 'Think' this will be an action aventure, it may get moved to genaral later so check my profile if it vanishes. chapter one done, futher chapters are Entirly dependant on reviews. chapter two at 10, dubios continuation without reviews. i admit it i write, or rather i post, for reviews. no reviews for a story and im unlikly to type it unless i like it. if i do like it it will not be updated without minimal intrest from readers. im needy, i cant help it. later |
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