Author has written 8 stories for Supernatural, Sci-Fi, General, General, and Life. The world in which you live in is a lie. Your leaders learn from Hitler, Stalin, Mussilini. Your life is a story of censorship and repression. The time has come to open the world's eyes. The future has arrived. Are you ready to go? Heh, hey kids. I would like to take this oppertunity to talk about my various projects of writing crap. Just in case anyone who reads this cares about it. Alright, here we go. The Madman's Journal: This is a project I started working on a few years back, and then just stopped. I kept having ideas, and knew where I wanted it to go, but not until recently did i feel like actually working on it again. Now I know whats up. And crap like that. I am not sure exactly when I'll write the next chapter to this one. I might need a break to get the juice back. The Supernova: Something floating around in my head for awhile and I just didn't do anything about it until a bit ago. Now I'm thinking up more ideas for it and getting my details straight. It is actually the first story out of a 3 story sorta trilogy I want to do, somewhat inspired by the band Powerman 5000's CD Tonight The Stars Revolt. In fact, It is that CD that inspires the main character in the beginning of the story. I hope it turns out how I planned it in my head. American Nightmare: Something I wrote on the spur of the moment. I felt like writing somethign new and something different, and it just worked out. I actually now know what I want to do with it, and I think it's going to be totally awesome. It's fresh and new and I want to work on it. I don't know how that's going to affect the other projects, but yeah. Sweet deal. |