Author has written 9 stories for Supernatural, Politics, Life, General, Romance, and Young Adult. I've uploaded the next two chapters of "A Partnership of Sorts". I'm sorry I've been so long about it, I have this terrible disease called procrastination. Forgive me? Anyway... I still haven't written anything on R:tCoW... I'm still on a minor writer's block. I've got most of the rest of the plot in my head, it's just how I'm going to start writing it. I is so sorry... and I know I deserve no sympathy for my block, so I won't bother begging for it. And now for the Bio... I'm sixteen. I write stuff to release the pent-up frustration that I feel in my life. It comes across as apparent with the excessive amount of cussing that I use. My favorite music is Rock and its subgenres (esp. Gothic Rock), although I also like J-rock and soundtracks to movies and a few anime shows. I hate my school because of its closedminded attitude it holds toward people like me. Also because it's a rich preppy school, but we won't go there. It's a long and involved explanation that I don't feel like typing. I read manga, philosophy, martial arts books, Zen books, and for entertainment I like to read novels (Not romance novels.) Dracula, Neuromancer, and The Lord of the Rings series are excellent examples. Well, I suppose that's all you need to know about me. Make your own judgements. I won't try to stop you. |