Author has written 21 stories for Friendship, General, Life, Romance, General, Young Adult, Supernatural, and Love. some basic stats: name: tracey If you review any of my stories or poems, I will try to review yours, but I hate it when people delibrately ask you to review. And if you do ask, you can expect me to be completely honest, and honest doesn't always mean that it will be nice. oh yeah, and if you must contact me, you can email me or IM me, I am online quite often (more than likely too often) Sorry to anyone who actually cares, but I probably will not be posting much on here anymore. I will try to finish out some of the stories if I have the time (I do have a life, I swear), but you probably shouldn't expect many more poems because most of the stuff I have been writing lately, I just don't feel like sharing with the world. There's a few I'll consider posting. Since Star Crossed is already compltely written out in a notebook, I will try to finish that, and I won't have to worry about lack of inspiration because it is technically already finished. Needs a little work though. Um, anything else, we'll see... 9/26/05~ Well, I've finally got a word processor on my laptop that is compatible with fiction press, so expect more frequent updates. Star-Crossed will be updated very shortly, as I already have a bunch of chapters typed up and saved on my computer. And I may post some poems. A couple older things are going to get deleted, so say goodbye. New things and change can be very good... random song: do not be fooled. i am the orginal minyatur! ~*Seremela Elendae Minyatur*~ |