Author has written 7 stories for Manga. Hi, everyone, I am Destin. I'm a 16 year old, sarcastic, hyper, well I'm a random teenage girl. I live in South Jersey (New Jersey...but I live in the south, so we like to be 'cool' and say we are South Jersey. ha ha ha ha don't be jeolous.) Anywayz, I spend most of my time, basically writing stories, online, and talking to the best person in the world Mike (known as Ace Bandit on here) Yes, he is much, more than a friend, and yes I do and will alwayz love him.So anywayz, I have a hatred for mainly everything else, besides, Mike, some of my friends, anime/manga, and some manga fictions on here. I really hate, annoying people, that are sexist, racist, etc., most teenagers, people that do stuff just for attention (protending to be depressed), liars, and people who think, that they can actually stop me and Mike from taking over the world. Ok, just face it you can't. It's destiny. Now, I'm going to say, thanks, thanks everyone whom put the time in the read my work , and review. You people, are great. I've been writing Socerer of Destiny for about 3 years now, and I was so happy when I found this site, cause that meant that people (besides my brother ) would read my stories. Want to know what order to read this anime series ? Read it in this order, or skip around. (Example you can read Neon Legends, and never read Zuekilen) 1. Sorcerer of Destiny: Beginning of Destiny's story (This needs SERIOUS editting. I will edit it soon, but read with this as a warning) 2. Sorcerer of Destiny : Zuekilen city Disapearings 3. Sorcerer of Destiny: Illusion of Green 4. Sorcerer of Destiny : A Strange Day in Crescent Star 5. Sorcerer of Destiny : Blast to the future 6. Sorcerer of Destiny : SR59 7. Sorcerer of Destiny: Neon Legends Summery of Sorcerer of Destiny : Now I have to go auf weidersehen...that was just stupid. By the way... My friends in real life My boyfriend-- Damn I hate family, im me or email me if you want my xanga My deviantART: http:/// |
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