Author has written 11 stories for Love, Life, Young Adult, and Biography.
Devin Jamie. Devin. Deja. DJ. Daydream. Authorgirl.
I've been writing since I was six years old; I'm sixteen now. That's not to say that I'm a great writer, exactly. But I love to write; I'm not stopping anytime in the foreseeable future.
Born and raised in Southern California. I've been re-sucked into Gilmore Girls lately, and that, combined with my fading happiness with my hometown, has given me this incredibly powerful need to move to a small town. As if I have control over that.
I write poems about everything and anything, but, story-wise, I tend to write in the young adult genre. Teen girls falling in love and all that wonderfully cliche jazz.
Unfortunately, I don't really finish stories...I could list a million excuses, but I won't bother you with that. Just know that I'm trying harder now, okay? And, from now on, I won't upload a story unless I've got a plot outline and the first few chapters written.
There's not much here- I deleted just about everything. But please feel free to read what there is.
And review what you do read, please. It's always an amazing feeling to just know that there's at least one person out there, reading what you wrote and taking the time to comment on it.