Author has written 298 stories for Fantasy, General, Biography, General, Life, Friendship, Love, Religion, Family, War, School, and Fantasy. I would like to take this moment to thank everyone who reviews my poetry,a few people most of all : AllyCred is the first, you are always the first one to review my poems and give me encouragement, thank you so much, I love you for just that reason! scudcrow is another, you are a great reviewer, always giving some imput in some way! Thanks heaps. simpleplan13 , your always complimenting me on something, I love that! A.Solitaire is atrue poet and a true friendthat I have found and her poems are very good, your always saying how much you love mine. CryNowLaughLater also a true poet who can get right to the heart of an issue, who seems to review my poems a lot, I love that. Kitty-brdg is another person who is great, you have th read her story The Verdict, its very good and leaves you guessing.Unfortunatly she can't write anymore. eraced is a wonderful person, who has strong opinions and I know the will to follow it through. Her works are amazing and inspire me whenever I read them And to all the others that I have missed out on I love all of your reviews and always get around to reading yours, I value all of your opinions in your reviews! Moon-Chaser |